Saturday, April 11, 2009

Final Reflection (Post #7)

Time flies and it is time for some reflections before this semester comes to an end. Looking back, I have gained much invaluable knowledge on effective communication in this course and the opportunities given to apply these skills during project work and blogging have enhanced my understanding.

Through this module, I am exposed to varied aspects of communication, other than the significance of non-verbal cues and establishing of good impression which I have highlighted in my first post. While I still believe that good dressing and favourable non-verbal cues would help to establish a good impression, I have learnt that it takes more than observing social etiquette to achieve effective communication.

The interesting stories shared on intercultural conflict have dawned on me the significance of understanding cultural differences. While working on the group project, it had occurred to me that it is crucial to communicate well to prevent potential pitfalls and the importance of understanding issues from others’ perspective. In the process of preparing and giving a formal presentation, I have learnt of ways to convey my message in a persuasive and succinct manner. In addition, I have learnt to write effective resumes and the suitable writing approaches for application letters and formal report. I believe valuable skills would definitely come in handy in future.

On reflection, there is definitely a lot of room for improvement in my language and presentation skills. Hence, I relish this opportunity for me to practise them and note my weaknesses so as to make improvements.

Lastly, I would like to thank Ms Happy Goh for her guidance and all fellow classmates for your encouragements, blog comments and company in this learning journey.